Verkauf nur an Gewerbetreibende und Wiederverkäufer - bitte einloggen für Preiseinsicht.

Mindestbestellwert 250€
Hotline +49-(0)661-679100
Kostenlose Hotline 0800 123 454 321

Delivery costs


1) Delivery costs
The calculation of the delivery costs cant take place during the order transaction.
These cost can first be calculated and optimized for our customers on the billing.
For this reason we dont declare delivery costs in our webshop.

2) Delivery costs Germany:
- Package: € 6,80 per packaging unit
- Pallet shipments: € 55,00-65,00 per pallet (dependent on weight)

Shipping costs to other countries are calculated separately – please inquire before your order.

3) Main delivery-information:
- cash and carry in Petersberg/Fulda without extra charge possible
- package shipment only with UPS or DHL
- freeamount delivery: minimum € 1.500,00 net value (to on delivery adress in Germany)

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